Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wear Kevlar, Achille more R1 Ngegrip

CIKARANG - in the case of a second plant at PT Multistrada Direction average visit (time), the original tire manufacturers are introducing the last variant of the tires slick Indonesia Achille R1. Prohibit these materials are of better quality than previous generations.

Achille R1 is not a new product, MASA has launched the ban two years ago. But at this time only provides the size of 15 inches. Achille R1 now introduced measures 18 inches.

"We have already issued of ATR Sport 2, which are used in the derivative and the tour of the disentul." "Now we introduce the tires Slick Ahilles Sunday with the last R1 size 18 inches," said Mr. Zein Saleh, Senior Marketing Manager of recently.

"Tire Achilles slick the size of R1 only 18 inches in Indonesia." "Ring 18 is intended for vehicles powered by greats such as Porsche, starting Scuderia Ferrari, Lamborghini and other," he said.

In addition, this latest R1 Achille has used material kevlar on the wall next to her so that the tire has a greater resistance.

"Use of Kevlar certainly stronger, tires are also more ngelem of asphalt.". "With ring 18 horses produced more cars, could certainly over 500 hp." Zein is clear.

Zein also explained that Achille R1 is available in two types of soft and medium compounds. In view of the demand for this type is very small at the time to be the homeland of selling the country. "Currently the demand the highest in Australia, the United States and in Europe," said Zein.

Achille R1 is currently available in three size i.e. 30/65-18, 27/65-18, 31/71-18. While the price has not published an official ban however kisarannya in Rp2 million per unit.

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