Friday, July 27, 2012

Ashanty optimistic of success although Anang "Dicerai".

Anang dan Ashanty (Foto: Maria Cicilia Galuh/okezone)

JAKARTA - a little over a year, reaping Ashanty (27) brings the notion of success in duo with Anang Hermansyah, who became her husband. Their first album, Anang & Ashanty (2011) become material for a romantic album of the community of reference.

But now slowly out of his group man, Sam, he chose was behind the screen until the songs that will be moderated by other musicians. Ashanty was ready to return to the industry of music as soloists. Under the Sony Music label, released his solo show debut Ashanty self title in 2009, even though the tracks are deserted in sales on the market.

Sam provides information about his wife's solo album was completed in culture. If there is no obstacle, the album slipped after Lebaran Ashanty ready this year.

"The album is completed." Ashanty so there are two singles were prepared, including cooperation for the film on television. "I hope that the Hari Raya, the promonya began the path," says Sam while talking in Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Thursday, July 26, 2012 tonight.

Ashanty inevitably idly, he participated in the realization of this album, which has contributed to the lyrics of the song "used to be beautiful now bifurcated".

"I nyiptain myself, the title" used to be beautiful now bifurcated ", this is the home I.. "But if for a single still secret title," said Ashanty.

Keep Yes, only time is optimistic? "Must be optimistic dong", he says.

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