Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tips To Organize Your Living Room Petite

When want to organize your living room, it's good you noticed the main function room and get to know their needs, bearing in mind this room is the Central of all activities, such as watching television, bercengkerama with a family member, or as a play area, the fruit of the heart.

When you have a family room which was tiny, so you can apply the tips below to make it more functional.

Avoid dividing the room. This is to give the impression of living room look airy and use carpet as differentiator between the family room with another room.

If you want to use, select the screen light and transparent materials such as glass, fabric, or strands of yarn.

Use one color theme and its derivatives so that small room doesn't look crowded.

Avoid colors and motifs that are colliding. This could eliminate the impression of comfort in the room.

Before buying furniture, measure each section and the corner used to be the room. Customize your selected furniture with the size of the room.

(Apr/sources/Newspaper SI)

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