Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ussy Sulistiawaty: Andhika Husband Standby

Ussy & Andhika (Foto: Rama/Okezone)

JAKARTA -entered the fourth month of pregnancy, the age of Ussy Sulistiawaty claims to be the husband, Andhika Pratama, have a habit unique to himself. Andhika often kissed her stomach before going shooting or go home.

Pregnancy is one of the firsts Ussy for Andhika as a candidate's father. As for the pregnancy, both Ussy.

"If the Andhika everywhere, round trip always kiss my stomach I. With ' sapaannya ', "says Nduk Ussy found in studio MNC TV, Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, Monday 2 July 2012 tonight.

Further she said, is the husband of standby Andhika. Even in the middle of, discloses Andhika aside Ussy always accompany him to the doctor.

"Really, her attention Andhika so idle husbands. If a doctor is always, "he asserts nemani.

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