Monday, July 30, 2012

ISP India visit Indonesia

JAKARTA-Around eleven officers outside India Institute (FSI), led by the Dean of the Institute of Foreign Service and the Vice Minister is to visit Ajai Choudry Indonesia on 22 July 26 yesterday.

The Foreign Service Institute is training for future diplomats in India institutions.

During his visit to Indonesia, delegation of the India of the Foreign Service Institute was conducting a meeting with the Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa Mr. and Secretary general of the Indonesian ASEAN Surin Pitsuwan.

Before continuing his trip in Bali, the members of this delegation have also made themselves to visit a number of sites related to the history and cultural of important areas. Such a statement written great Kedutaaan in India in Jakarta Okezone, received Friday (27/07/2012).

India Foreign Service Institute (FSI) was founded in 1986 and then to meet the needs of vocational training of the agent of the India of Services of the Foreign Ministry (MEA). One of the main tasks of the ISF is training to prepare them to manage a variety of tasks that are a career professional emban during two missions abroad as well as in India.

Visit ISP is itself a part of the tour of orientation of State in the region.

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