Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sick child, employer to Steal or desperate PRT

JAKARTA - problems of the economy, and the result of badly diseased heart need money for medical treatment, prompting a governess, initial WT (P), was forced to fly ingots of gold belonging to his employer.

The incident took place in Bali, view housing, Ciputat, houses belonging to KR, last Wednesday on 18 July. And now, the WT with her husband, was arrested by the police and had to SH undergo an inspection intensive di Ciputat investigators.

"So that his son is ill, it is gold to author," Frank Kasi investigators publicist Mulyawan, Ciputat, Aiptu Friday (27/07/2012).

This incident is known because of the child victim, MV, reported the incident to lose possession of her parents. MV, reported investigators lose the Ciputat 100 grams gold bars are placed under the wardrobe of his parents.

The results of the examination, the officer without mistrust, initial, after investigation WT managed finally to members arrest WT kemudian a week, i.e. good Wednesday July 25.

Other WT acknowledged that the action was carried out for an extra cost of medical treatment of the child. The husband, SH, also to bless coming to sacrifices defies the victim. The HS is selling gold bars.

For his actions, the two actors have been collected in the present Mapolsek to account for its pusillanimity Ciputat. WT and SH are still being inspected by officers.


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