Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Glamorous Furniture//Mesh Wardrobe from ::TeddyJr::

Glamorous Furniture//Mesh Wardrobe from ::TeddyJr::: Glamorous Furniture//Mesh Wardrobe from ::TeddyJr:::

I realized that actions speak louder than words .I know that I promised to blog daily ,but my real life job keeps me away from second life from time to time .That’s why I am not able to do it . Better late than never right? Anyway ,I am still not going anywhere. So every time I’ll see something new I’ll try my best to blog it as soon as possible .So Glamorous Furniture will still be here ,and with a little help I am sure this year will be even better than 2011.

So now back to what we have for today’s presentation. I want to introduce you a new store that joined our collaboration list called ::TeddyJr:: .All their items are mesh ,and of course all of them look splendid.You should definitely check their marketplace link for more items.

Back to the item we have for today ,it is called Tallboy and it is a fabulous mesh dresser .The texture are so realistic ,for a moment I thought they were real life pictures.So in order to see this design you’ll have to use a viewer that supports mesh.If you are wondering how much prims it uses , the answer is 6 .
For sure you’ll have to buy this in order to discovery how fantastic mesh items are .And there is no store better than ::TeddyJr:: so just follow the link included under this text for more items .Take care, xoxo Ama
-Store List-

Wardrobe: Tallboy / Chest of drawers / Dresser [ Mesh ] Photorealistic Fullperm – ::TeddyJr:: /Designer: teddyjunior

Available at ::TeddyJr:: Marketplace Link



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