Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Glamorous Furniture//Making Magic

Glamorous Furniture//Making Magic: Glamorous Furniture//Making Magic:

I think I told you all that this is going to be a medieval week *hehe* .We got many fabulous items related to the past .Today I am bringing on Glamorous Furniture a stunning cauldron system that everyone who calls herself/himself a witch/wizard should get it . Since I am a big fan of Harry Potter , I was even happier to get the chance to blog this masterpiece .Let me tell you more about it.

The cauldron can be found on the marketplace of Proxima Saenz and you will be socked to hear that it costs only 600 l$. Believe me for how good this cauldron is, the price is extremely low .Let me tell you some words about it..

First of all ,in order to save prims you can rezz and de-rezz the shelve by opening the cauldron menu. I think this is a great idea especially if you use it on a RPG land where the prims you should use are limited.The cauldron itself has only 10 prims(with the shelve that is only needed for brewing it gets at around 63 prims) .In the same time you will find inside it a magic box ,containing instruction about how to create different potions. Most of them are inspired from Harry Potter World. I heard that the scripts that are used ..aren’t laggy at all, so I think it will fit perfectly in a potion classroom at Hogwarts.

And here comes the best part .You can create your own potions and ingredients too .So yes ..for only 600 l$ you can transform this masterpiece in a custom one .I personally can’t wait to think of what new potions to include .It’s so much fun.For making this even funnier,they included a 30% change of the cauldron to explode if you brew a Goofed Up potion.

Isn’t that just the perfect thing you need in a magic world? If the answer is yes,than please press the link I included under the text .The cauldron is available only on marketplace .So hurry up and get it ,it’s really entertaining .Until next time ,take big care. Xoxo Ama.
-Store List-

Cauldron: Magic Cauldron, create Potions (scripted) – Proxima Saenz Marketplace/Designer- Proxima SaenzAvailable at Proxima Saenz Marketplace Link



Entire set with shelve rezzed: 63 prims(shelves are only used for brewing )

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