Friday, September 7, 2012

Salone Internazionale del Mobile 50 years and still young

Will be held in April in the renowned Salone Internazionale del Mobile, literary the International Fair of Furnishing in Cosmit, Milan.

This is a fair which exposed at 360 the world of furnishing but is also a major issue in 2011 because at this time these prestigious events and exhibitions will be making their fiftieth anniversary.

Born in 1961, these series of fair have evolved over time to give space to many of those who were central themes in design and cutting-edge design, an anniversary that highlights the numerous changes experienced over time. Suffice it to say that the first edition had 328 exhibitors in 2010 are now over 2500. Not to mention the visitors during the event which have risen exponentially for the quality of the event and his proposal in the round, furniture for large spaces for tents to modern interiors. And to celebrate this anniversary has been studied in a particular program as well as underlining the importance of traditional halls namely the International Furniture Fair, International Exhibition of furniture complement the biennial Euroluce, SaloneUfficio SaloneSatellite and later moving into the city of Milan for the events that involve the historic center of the city.

A set of rooms that keeps Cosmit covering all possible variants of furniture in all its versions, from that of classic furniture design through the curtains, outdoor and indoor ones, the office furniture, the accessories, accessories, and much, much more. Not forgetting the classic historical exhibitors with their quality will always innovate and offer good products to customers. New however is the reallocation of the spaces assigned to exhibitors on the extension design a special place in the Salone Internazionale del Mobile Euroluce by moving into 4 single-storey pavilions placed right in front of SaloneUfficio placing strategically designed to find the right balance between innovation, usefulness and complementarity.

In addition to the traditional exhibition will also feature a prestigious celebration of the anniversary which will take place in an original, theatrical precision in collaboration with the "Little Theatre" which will enjoy reliving the history of the pioneers of the salons, those who have managed to merge the tradition with the design and then brought home through the blackout curtains, making it part of all of society.

In addition to this celebration of the 50th anniversary will also be remembered in the fourth edition of the Triennale Design Museum, which celebrates "the men and companies with their activities have helped to create the system of Italian design" through the exhibition "The factories of Dreams "which will be open from April 5th to 26th February. In addition to this prestigious and within an exceptional setting will then show the "Principia-rooms and substance of the arts coming" from April 12 to May 1 that will be developed through a series of eight rooms designed in collaboration with SA Denis Santachiara Solares Foundation of Arts and Sciences, in Piazza Duomo.One method of bringing design and innovation within everyone's reach, directly in "square".

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