Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Trends in Furniture Design Take Center Stage

Furniture design is ever changing. As new materials, manufacturing techniques and design trends emerge, furniture follows suit. Of course there is always some consistency with the designs of the past, but here are the trends that one will be soon seeing in showrooms and homes.

Green & Sustainable

Like many categories, furniture is looking to be Eco-friendly in both the materials used and in the manufacturing process. And while green furniture has been around for a while, one had to seek it out and it was often more expensive then similarly designed pieces. This is not so much the case any longer as sourcing materials that are sustainable and building processes that are less harmful to the environment are becoming more economical. If green furniture is of interest, look for labeling that indicates the piece was built in an Eco-friendly manner.

Smaller Footprints

The scale of homes has risen considerably in the past decades, but there is a counter-trend toward the small house. This movement has driven demand for quality pieces that are highly functional yet streamlined in size. The challenge of designing small has been taken up by a new wave of designers, especially in Europe and Asia where living spaces have remained more modest.


In keeping with the smaller footprint idea, furniture that serves both a primary and secondary function is growing in demand. This is certainly not a new idea (think about the sofa bed), but there seems to be a renewed emphasis on function and practicality. Many designers have taken up this challenge and view it as a kind of puzzle to be solved. Many of the pieces not only serve traditional purposes, but complimentary with the technology that is becoming an integral part of life. Many designers are figuring out unique ways to make sure technology is compatible with furniture, such as recliners with plugs for electrical devices as well as nooks to safely store electronic tablets and e-readers.

Built-in Technology

Not only does furniture need to accommodate our use of technology, but the trend is to incorporate technology into the very furniture element itself. This again is not necessarily a new idea, as anyone over age 40 or so likely recalls the TV cabinets designed to resemble a credenza and of course in more recent decades, the computer desk. The latest movement is to better incorporate technology into less obvious places like bedroom, dining room and kitchen pieces.

Global Design

Furniture trends have always been gone through where a certain country or regions aesthetic as come to fore, such as Danish modern or Asian lacquered pieces. The difference today is that past trends tended toward homogeneity in a piece, where now elements from different cultures are being blended. The ideas are to take the best elements from each and seamlessly incorporate into a consistent look.


Outdoor living is growing in importance as architecture better blends indoor and outdoor spaces to be less distinct. This has spurred interest in furniture that leaves behind the traditional outdoor looks one is accustomed too such as teak, rattan and the like. With better weather resistance and durability, outdoor furniture is taking on an indoor aesthetic; yet the design challenge is to create pieces that are still appropriately suited for the elements and activities of the outdoors.

Other trends will continue to emerge, but in the coming decades all of the above will be influencing the things we put in our homes to enjoy everyday living.

When it comes to bespoke furniture of all types, Makers' Eye can handle it. From a fabulous oak writing desk to most anything you desire.

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